§ 122-31. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Capacity reservation fees means those fees charged by the county to reserve water and wastewater capacity corresponding to the proposed use. Each developer, builder or property owner requiring utilities services shall be required to make payments to the county in accordance with this article.

    Connection charges means those charges of the county required to be paid by a customer as a condition precedent to the interconnection of the county's utility system with a customer's property.

    Customer means any person supplied with the availability of water or sewer service by the county. The term shall also include developers and large users.

    Customer installation means all pipes, fixtures, meters and appurtenances of any kind and nature used in connection with or forming a part of an installation for utilizing water or sewer services for any purpose, located on the customer's side of the point of delivery, whether such installation is owned outright by a customer or by contract, lease or otherwise.

    Contributions-in-aid-of-construction (CIAC) means the sum of money and/or property represented by the value of the water distribution and sewage collection facilities constructed by a customer and conveyed to the county as an inducement to the county to provide service in accordance with the county's water and sewer extension policies set forth in this article.

    Developer means any person who engages in the business of making improvements to or upon real property located within or without the county as owner or legally constituted agent for the owner of such real property.

    Easements means rights of ingress or egress, dedications, rights-of-way, conveyances or other property interests necessary or incidental to the installation, extension, repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of the county's utility system or any components thereof, over or upon the customer's property.

    Equivalent residential unit (ERU). One water ERU shall be equal to 300 gallons per day of water use. One sewer ERU shall be equal to 284 gallons per day of wastewater discharge.

    Finance director means the appointed head of the finance department of the county, or his authorized representative.

    Main means a pipe, conduit or other facility installed to convey water or sewer service from individual laterals or to other mains.

    Off-site facilities means those components of water, reclaimed, and sewer systems, located outside customer's property with facilities of the county, in accordance with the size required by the county.)

    On-site facilities means those components of water distribution and sewage collection facilities located upon the customer's property.

    Point of delivery means the point where the county pipes are connected with the pipes of the customer. Unless otherwise indicated, the point of delivery for water shall be at the discharge side of the water meter. Unless otherwise indicated, the point of delivery for sewer service shall be at the upstream connection of the cleanout, which is placed at or about the public right-of-way or utility easement. In the absence of a cleanout, the point of delivery is at the sewer lateral connection to the sewer main of the county.

    Property means the land or improvements upon land of which the customer is owner or over which the customer has control either by contract or possessory interest sufficient to authorize the customer to make application for service, or adjacent right-of-way which services the land or site being developed. The county shall require proof of such interest prior to the furnishing of service by copy of instrument of conveyance, contract or appropriate verified statement contained in the application for service.

    Reclaimed water means non-potable water provided through a separate distribution system meeting FDEP requirements.

    Rate schedule means the schedule of rates or charges for the particular classification of service.

    Service includes, in addition to all water and sewer utilities required by the customer, the readiness and ability on the part of the county to furnish water or sewer services to the customer.

    Service availability charge means the charge to customers for availability of service as may be determined from time to time by the county and as presently set forth in the schedule of rates and charges provided for in this article.

    Service lines and lateral lines mean those pipes of the county that connect to the customer's lines.

    Utilities engineer means the professional engineer, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 471 Florida Statutes, designated to review and approve new connections to or extensions of the county utility system.

    Utilities director means the person designated by the county manager to coordinate the county utility operation.

    Utility system means the county's water distribution, reclaimed water distribution and sewage collection systems, and any component parts thereof, which systems are distinguished in this article as the context determines.

(Res. No. 86-116, § 3, 8-14-86; Ord. No. 01-10, § 1, 4-5-01)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.