§ 114-35. Tourist development council.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Established; membership. There is hereby established, pursuant to the provisions of F.S. § 125.0104, an advisory council to be known as the Volusia County Tourist Development Council (TDC). The county council shall appoint Volusia County electors as members of the TDC as follows:


    Group I. Elected officials.


    The county chair or a member of the county council designated by the county chair for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2005. The member shall serve on the TDC only so long as the member holds the office of county chair or county council member appointed by the county chair.


    An elected official of the most populous municipality of the county for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2002. The member shall serve on the TDC only so long as the member holds elective municipal office.


    An elected official of a municipality within the county for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2004. The member shall serve on the TDC only so long as the member holds elective municipal office.


    Group II. Tourism representatives.


    An owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2005.


    An owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2003.


    An owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2002.


    A person involved in the tourist industry and who has demonstrated an interest in tourist development who may or may not be an owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2004.


    A person involved in the tourist industry and who has demonstrated an interest in tourist development who is not an owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2005.


    A person involved in the tourist industry and who has demonstrated an interest in tourist development who is not an owner or operator of a motel, hotel, recreational vehicle park or other tourist accommodation for a four-year term, the initial term ending March 31, 2003.

    Group II members shall serve on the TDC only so long as they maintain positions in the tourist industry required by the qualifications for their Group II TDC seats. Vacancies shall be filled as in the manner provided for initial appointment, except that a member appointed to fill a vacancy during a term shall serve only the remaining unexpired term. Members may be removed with or without cause upon a majority vote of the county council, in which event there shall be deemed to be a vacancy. The failure of a member to attend two meetings during any year ending on December 31, regardless of the reason, automatically creates a vacancy immediately following the second absence.


    Chair. The chair of the TDC shall be the county chair or a member of the county council designated by the county chair.


    The TDC shall meet at least quarterly.


    Beginning March 31, 2007, a member of the TDC shall be eligible for reappointment regardless of the member's prior length of service on the TDC.


    General duties. From time to time, the TDC shall make recommendations to the county council for the effective operation of the special projects or of the uses of the tourist development tax revenue raised by the tax levied by this article, and may perform such other duties or functions as hereafter may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution.


    Review of expenditures. The TDC shall continuously review all expenditures of revenues from the tourist development trust fund and shall receive, at least quarterly, expenditure reports from the finance department. Expenditures which the TDC believes to be unauthorized shall be reported to the county council and the Florida Department of Revenue. The county council and the FDOR shall review the findings of the TDC and take appropriate administrative or judicial action to ensure compliance with F.S. § 125.0104.

    Except as amended herein, the provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the County of Volusia remain in full force and effect.

(Ord. No. 78-2, § 3, 1-19-78; Ord. No. 79-17, § 1, 3-1-79; Ord. No. 01-09, § 1, 5-3-01; Ord. No. 2007-26, § I, 5-3-07; Ord. No. 2011-28, § 1, 10-20-11)

Cross reference

Boards, commissions, councils and authorities, § 2-421 et seq.