§ 114-33. Use of revenues.  

Latest version.
  • The tax revenues received pursuant to this article shall be expended to:


    Pay the debt service on bonds issued to finance the construction, reconstruction or renovation of the Ocean Center and to pay the planning and design costs incurred prior to the issuance of such bonds.


    Pay the operation and maintenance costs of the Ocean Center.


    Pay any other cost authorized for the two percent tax levied pursuant to F.S. § 125.0104(3)(c), and/or any other cost authorized for the additional one percent tax levied pursuant to F.S. § 125.0104(3)(l), as may be hereafter amended.

(Ord. No. 78-2, § 2, 1-19-78; Ord. No. 78-10, § 1, 3-16-78; Ord. No. 80-17, § I, 4-17-80; Ord. No. 82-18, § I, 11-18-82; Ord. No. 2003-07, § 1, 4-24-03)