§ 110-162. Authority to sell certificates.  

Latest version.
  • As an alternative to issuing bonds or notes by the county to finance the costs of a project, the county may sell, at public or private sale, special assessment lien certificates. Special assessment lien certificates shall be signed by the chairman of the county council and attested by its county manager and shall be assigned by the county without recourse against the county in the event of a failure of payment. Said special assessment lien certificates shall be payable solely from the assessments to be received from the owner of the benefited property. The holder of any special assessment lien certificate shall have the benefit of the lien imposed by this article. The lien may be enforced by the person, firm or corporation holding the special assessment lien certificate in the same manner as the county as provided by this article, and the holder of such special assessment lien certificates may sue in their own names to enforce such liens.

(Ord. No. 94-19, Art. I, § 3(Art. 5, § 5.12), 12-15-94)